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Privacy policy

The purpose of the privacy policy is to provide the natural person - the data subject, with information on the purpose, scope, protection and term of processing of personal data during the acquisition of data and processing of the data subject's personal data.
Personal data controller and his contact details
The controller of personal data is the Limited Liability Company “Nordic Homes” (hereinafter - Nordic Homes), Reg. No .: 40103336329, Celtnieku Street 36, Ä€ne, Cenu Parish, Jelgavas District, LV-3043, telephones: +371 6666 3041, +371 2619 0613, e-mail:, website: .


Contact information for issues related to personal data processing is: Using this contact information or contacting the registered office of Nordic Homes, you can ask a question about the processing of personal data. A request for the exercise of your rights may be made in accordance with the procedures set out herein.

General Information
1. Personal data is any information about an identified or identifiable natural person - Nordic Homes customers, partners or their employees, job candidates - name, surname, personal identification code, place of residence / declared address, personal telephone number, personal e-mail, occupation , amount of income, services received, billing information, telephone, electronic communication information and other information applicable to a natural person.
2. The Privacy Policy shall apply to ensure the protection of privacy and personal data with respect to:
2.1. for natural persons - customers and other service users (including potential, former and current), as well as third parties who receive or transfer any information (including contact persons, payers) to Nordic Homes in connection with the provision of services to a natural person (customer, user) uc);
2.2. Visitors to the Nordic Homes office / factory and other premises / places, including those subject to video surveillance;
2.3. Visitors to the website maintained by Nordic Homes (hereinafter - Clients).
3. The processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Latvia and secondary legislation, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of such data (Regulation) and other applicable privacy and data processing law.
4. The Privacy Policy applies to the processing of data, regardless of the form and / or environment in which the Customer provides personal data and in which company systems or paper form they are processed.
Purposes of personal data processing
5. Nordic Homes processes personal data for the following purposes:
5.1. For the provision of services and the sale of goods:
5.1.1. customer identification;
5.1.2. preparation and conclusion of the contract;
5.1.3. for the supply of goods and guarantees for the provision of services (fulfillment of contractual obligations);
5.1.4. to ensure / maintain the operation of services;
5.1.5. guarantees for the fulfillment of obligations;
5.1.6. improvement of goods and services, development of new goods and services;
5.1.7. to promote the use of the service;
5.1.8. advertising and distribution of services or for commercial purposes;
5.1.9. customer service;
5.1.10. examination and processing of objections;
5.1.11. customer retention, loyalty building, satisfaction measurements;
5.1.12. settlement administration;
5.1.13. debt recovery and recovery; website maintenance and performance improvement.
5.2. For business planning and analytics:
5.2.1. statistics and business analysis;
5.2.2. planning and accounting;
5.2.3. to measure efficiency;
5.2.4. data quality assurance;
5.2.5. market and public opinion research;
5.2.6. preparation of reports;
5.2.7. for conducting customer surveys;
5.2.8. risk management activities.
5.3. For the provision of information to public administration institutions and subjects of operational activities in the cases and to the extent specified in external regulatory enactments.
5.4. Security of Nordic Homes property and persons, prevention of theft and fraudulent activities in the Nordic Homes office and factory, recording of a criminal offense, identification of possible offenders within the framework of video surveillance. As part of video surveillance, data is stored for up to 30 days. After this period, Nordic Homes provides full automatic deletion of data if the data has not been previously requested or no criminal offenses have been detected. If the data have previously been requested from the competent state or local government institutions or criminal offenses have been established, the data shall be stored as necessary.
5.5. For other purposes not mentioned above, of which the Customer is informed at the time he provides the relevant data to Nordic Homes.
Legal basis for personal data processing
6. Nordic Homes processes the Client's personal data on the basis of the following legal bases:
6.1. for concluding and performing the agreement - to enter into the agreement upon the Client's application and ensure its performance;
6.2. for the fulfillment of regulatory enactments - in order to fulfill the obligation specified in the binding external regulatory enactments of Nordic Homes;
6.3. in accordance with the consent of the Customer - the data subject;
6.4. in the legitimate (legitimate) interests - to realize the legitimate (legitimate) interests of Nordic Homes arising from the obligations existing between Nordic Homes and the Client or the concluded agreement or the law.
7. The legitimate (legitimate) interests of Nordic Homes are:
7.1. to carry out commercial activities;
7.2. offer services and goods;
7.3. to verify the Customer's identity before concluding the agreement;
7.4. to ensure the fulfillment of contractual obligations;
7.5. to prevent unreasonable financial risks for its commercial activities (incl., to perform credit risk assessment before the sale of goods and services and during the performance of the contract);
7.6. to keep the Customer's applications and submissions regarding the purchase of goods and provision of services, other applications and submissions, notes on them, including those made orally, by calling and on the Internet home page;
7.7. to analyze the use of the Nordic Homes website, to develop and implement its improvements;
7.8. to design and develop goods and services;
7.9. advertise your goods and services by sending commercial communications;
7.10. to send other reports on the progress of the performance of the contract and events relevant to the performance of the contract, as well as to conduct customer surveys on the goods and services and the experience of their use;
7.11. to prevent fraud;
7.12. provide corporate governance, financial and business accounting and analytics;
7.13. to ensure efficient company management processes;
7.14. the efficiency of the provision of services and the sale and delivery of goods;
7.15. to ensure and improve the quality of services;
7.16. administer payments;
7.17. to administer outstanding payments;
7.18. to apply to public administration and operational activities institutions and to the court for the protection of their legal interests;
7.19. to inform the public about its activities.
Processing of personal data
8. Nordic Homes processes the Customer's data using the possibilities of modern technologies, taking into account the existing privacy risks and Nordic Homes' reasonably available organizational, financial and technical resources.
9. In order to ensure the qualitative and operative fulfillment of the obligations of the agreement concluded with the Customer, Nordic Homes may authorize its cooperation partners to perform certain activities of delivery of goods or provision of services, such as delivery of goods, warranty service, invoicing and the like. If, in performing these tasks, Nordic Homes partners process the Customer's personal data held by Nordic Homes, the respective partners are considered to be Nordic Homes data processors and Nordic Homes has the right to transfer to the partners the Customer's personal data necessary for these activities to the extent necessary to perform these activities.
10. The Cooperation Partners (as a data controller) will ensure the fulfillment of personal data processing and protection requirements in accordance with the requirements and legal acts of Nordic Homes, and will not use personal data for purposes other than fulfilling the obligations of the agreement concluded with the Customer on behalf of Nordic Homes.
Protection of personal data
11. Nordic Homes protects the Customer's data using modern technology, taking into account the existing privacy risks and the reasonably available organizational, financial and technical resources of Nordic Homes, including the following security measures:
11.1. Pseudonymization of data;
11.2. Firewalls;
11.3. Intrusion protection and detection programs;
11.4. Other protection measures in accordance with current technical development possibilities.
Categories of recipients of personal data
12. Nordic Homes does not disclose to third parties the Customer's personal data or any information obtained during the provision of services and the term of the agreement, except for:
12.1. if the relevant third party must transfer the data within the framework of the concluded agreement in order to perform any function necessary for the performance of the agreement or delegated by law (for example, to the bank within the framework of settlements or within the framework of warranty service);
12.2. in accordance with the Client's explicit and unambiguous consent;
12.3. to the persons provided for in external regulatory enactments upon their justified request, in accordance with the procedures and to the extent specified in external regulatory enactments;
12.4. in cases specified in external regulatory enactments, for the protection of the legitimate interests of Nordic Homes, for example, by applying to a court or other state institutions against a person who has infringed the legitimate interests of Nordic Homes.
Access to personal data by third country entities
13. Nordic Homes' personal data cannot be accessed by developers or service providers in third countries (ie countries outside the European Union and the European Economic Area) (within the meaning of the Regulation - transfers to third countries) as data controllers (operators).
Duration of personal data storage
14. Nordic Homes stores and processes the Client's personal data as long as at least one of the following criteria exists:
14.1. only as long as the agreement concluded with the Customer is valid, including during the warranty period;
14.2. while in accordance with the procedures specified in external regulatory enactments, Nordic Homes or the Client may realize their legitimate interests (for example, submit objections, or bring or bring a claim to court);
14.3. as long as one of the parties has a legal obligation to retain the data;
14.4. as long as the Customer's consent to the relevant processing of personal data is valid, if there is no other legal basis for data processing.
15. When the above circumstances end, the Customer's personal data is deleted.
Access to personal data and other rights of the Customer
16. The Customer has the right to receive the information specified in regulatory enactments in connection with the processing of his / her data, to ascertain the accuracy of his / her data and to correct them.
17. In accordance with regulatory enactments, the Customer also has the right to request access to Nordic Homes' personal data, as well as to request Nordic Homes to supplement, correct or delete them or restrict processing in relation to the Customer, or the right to object to processing (including processing of personal data). carried out on the basis of Nordic Homes' legitimate interests) as well as the right to data portability. This right shall be exercised insofar as the processing of the data does not result from the obligations of Nordic Homes imposed on it by the applicable laws and regulations and which are performed in the public interest.
18. The Client may submit a request for the exercise of his / her rights:
18.1. in writing in person at the legal address of Nordic Homes, presenting an identity document;
18.2. while in accordance with the procedures specified in external regulatory enactments, Nordic Homes or the Client may realize their legitimate interests (for example, submit objections, or bring or bring a claim to court);
18.3. in the form of electronic mail, signing with a secure electronic signature;
19. Upon receipt of the Customer's request for the exercise of their rights, Nordic Homes verifies the Customer's identity, evaluates the request and executes it in accordance with regulatory enactments.
20. Nordic Homes' reply shall be sent to the Customer by post to the contact address indicated by him in a registered letter, taking into account, as far as possible, the method of receiving the reply indicated by the Customer.
21. Nordic Homes ensures the fulfillment of data processing and protection requirements in accordance with regulatory enactments and in case of the Client's objections performs useful actions to resolve the objection. However, if this fails, the Customer has the right to apply to the supervisory authority - the Data State Inspectorate.
Customer's consent to data processing and the right to withdraw it
22. The customer may give consent to the processing of personal data, the legal basis of which is consent, on the Nordic Homes website (for example, loyalty programs and newsletter registration forms), or in person at Nordic Homes' registered office or elsewhere outside the registered office.
23. The Customer has the right to revoke the consent for data processing at any time in the same way as it was given or by sending a relevant notice to and in that case further data processing based on the previously given consent for the specific purpose will not be performed.
24. Withdrawal of consent does not affect data processing performed at the time when the Customer's consent was valid.
25. Withdrawal of consent may not suspend the processing of data on other legal grounds.
Communication with the Client
26. Nordic Homes communicates with the Client using the contact information provided by the Client (telephone number, e-mail address, postal address).
27. Nordic Homes communicates on the fulfillment of service contractual obligations on the basis of the concluded contract (for example, coordination of delivery times, provision of service or warranty period, information on invoices, planned works, changes in services, etc.).
Commercial communications
28. Nordic Homes communicates commercial communications about Nordic Homes and / or third party services and other communications not related to the direct provision of the agreed services (for example, customer surveys) in accordance with external regulatory enactments or in accordance with the Customer's consent.
29. The Client may consent to the receipt of commercial communications from Nordic Homes and / or its business partners on the Nordic Homes website (for example, newsletter registration forms).
30. The consent given by the Customer for the receipt of commercial communications is valid until its revocation (also after the termination of the service agreement). The customer may at any time opt out of further commercial communications in one of the following ways:
30.1. by sending an e-mail to the address;
30.2. in person at the registered office of Nordic Homes;
30.3. using the automated option provided in the commercial communication to opt out of receiving further notifications by clicking on the opt-out indication at the end of the relevant commercial communication (e-mail).
31. Nordic Homes shall stop sending commercial communications as soon as the Customer's request to withdraw consent to commercial communications is processed.
Different rules
32. The Nordic Homes website may contain links to third party websites that have their own terms of use and personal data protection for which Nordic Homes is not responsible.
33. Nordic Homes has the right to make additions to the Privacy Policy by making the current version available to the Customer by placing it on the Nordic Homes website.

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